In this tutorial, Chidi Orji will show you how to work with Firebase push notifications in the backend and frontend. We’ll set up the notifications system with an Express back-end server. Afterwards, you’ll listen for the notifications in a React front-end app. You will implement the backend first, then move on to the frontend. In that way, you can use whichever section appeals more to you. So let’s get started.
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In the tenth issue of Inspired Design Decisions, Andy Clarke will explain how Giovanni Pintori — the Italian graphic designer best known for his work with Olivetti — can inspire design for the web with his distinctive use of color and shape. Andy will teach you how to use color to attract attention and then to lead someone’s eye around a design. He’ll discuss how a minimal color palette can act as a guide, helping people through a design, and how lines and shapes add structure and style.
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Front-end developers and designers create amazing static assets for web applications. Today, Philip Kiely will be focusing on what happens after the style hotfix or beautiful graphic you just finished is pushed to master. He’ll also investigate handling files that users upload, called media files. Together, you’ll develop an intuition for the strategies available to Django developers for serving these files to users worldwide in a secure, performant, and cost-effective manner.
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Building a well-functioning application requires good testing; otherwise, knowing whether your application works as expected would be a matter of guesswork and luck. Jest is one of the best tools available for testing React applications. In this article, Adeneye David Abiodun will show you everything you need to create a solid test for your React components and application.
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We’re at a point now where restaurants can no longer be reluctant or stingy about improving their digital presence. And, as a web designer, this should get you excited. The restaurant industry has begun to undergo a major digital transformation. Those that want to survive will need a website that can handle the new way of operating, which means they can no longer afford to hold onto that cheap website they built for themselves years ago. And this spells big opportunities for web designers interested in working in the space.
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In this article, we’ll be looking at a new way of retrieving data in React Apps named SWR. This is a set of hooks for remote data fetching that makes things easier, such as caching, pagination, and so on.
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Every month, we present an overview of things the Smashing team has been working on — all in one place. We organized Smashing Meets on three days — events that were open to everyone in the web community. With sessions on performance, CSS, GraphQL, and creative courage, we made sure to leave plenty of time for Q&A, networking, competitions and prizes. The past few weeks have been quite challenging: COVID-19 crisis, #BlackLivesMatter, and so many other ongoing issues taking place all over the world. Here’s what’s been happening on our end in the meantime.
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The ancients can teach us a thing or two about design — even web design. The Roman architect Vitruvius had buildings in mind when laying out his golden triad, but its principles are just as applicable to the web as they are to brick and mortar. Today’s article is about architecture, and how some of its core tenets apply to the worldwide web. Architectural terms are not unusual in web development, and for good reason. In many ways, web developers are digital architects. Today, Frederick O’Brien will focus on Vitruvius, a Roman architect, and how his principles can and should be applied to websites.
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When using cross-platform frameworks, people might forget the nuances of each of the platforms they want their code to run on. This article aims to address that. Today, Carmine Zaccagnino is going to see some of those differences and how to overcome them. More specifically, he’re going to talk about storage and UI differences, which are the ones that most often cause confusion to developers when writing Flutter code that they want to be cross-platform.
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UI or User Interface test is a form of acceptance testing done to verify the user flows of your front-end application. The emphasis of these kinds of software tests is on the end-user that is the actual person who will be interacting with your web application on a variety of devices ranging from desktops, laptops to mobile devices. In this final part of Mirage JS Deep Dive series, Kelvin Omereshone will be putting everything you’ve learned in the past series into learning how to perform UI tests with Mirage JS.
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