As designers, we usually turn to desktop wallpapers that are a little more distinctive than the usual crowd. And in today’s post, we feature free desktop wallpapers created by artists across the globe for February 2014. Both versions with a calendar and without a calendar can be downloaded for free. It’s time to freshen up your wallpaper! This creativity mission has been going on for over five years now, and we are very thankful to all designers who have contributed.
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In today’s article, Spyros Zevelakis is interviewing Anthony Burrill, one of the most distinctive voices in contemporary graphic designHe has never worked for another design firm, and his first studio was at home — at his kitchen table. Some of his most famous work is self-published making graphic design, a standalone discipline in itself.
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We did want to challenge you to be creative and think hard though, and finding this sweet spot of complexity took time and patience. So within the five weeks since the initial idea was conceived, we ran 17 various tests on various variations of various animated GIFs.
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The Mystery continues! To celebrate the launch of the SmashingConf NYC, we’ve prepared a new riddle, and this time it’s not going to be any easier, but the reward is worth the effort. In this piece, you’ll find an animated GIF that contains a hidden message. Once you’ve resolved the mystery, you’ll see a Twitter hashtag displayed in plain text.
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One of the ways we can continue learning in the Web industry, is by attending professional Web conferences. But how do you decide which is right for you? In this article, Jeremy Girard will answer this question by shareing the methods that he has found helpful in choosing high-quality conferences, as well as some tips to help you get the most out of the events you decide to attend!
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The debate about what a “User Experience Design” exactly is, is as old as the discipline itself, and while sitting back and watching the drama is sometimes fun, let’s try to figure out which user experience techniques are useful for startups, in-house teams, big corporations and anyone who wants to improve their website, product or service.
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Today, we’re honored to present to you a set of 60 vector round icons, Released exclusively for Smashing Magazine! Crafted with great attention to detail and cleverly designed by the creative trio at Roundicons, this icon set is extremely easy to use and will most probably be the next ultimate resource for any one of your design projects. Feel free to modify the size, color or shape of the icons. No attribution is required. However, reselling of bundles or individual pictograms is not allowed.
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Function binding is probably your least concern when beginning with JavaScript, but when you realize that you need a solution to the problem of how to keep the context of “this” within another function, then you might not realize that what you actually need is Function.prototype.bind().
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A “workaholic” is someone who is addicted to work. Soon, they neglect their family, friends, health, sometimes damaging them all irrevocably. Some people who work on the Web seem not only to disregard the dangers of workaholism, but to actively promote it. They see it as a badge of honor—but it’s a serious issue that can damage Web teams. In contrast, people who simply “work hard” do not expose themselves to such dangers.
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In this interview of the “How I Work” series, Jacob Cook is speaking with Andres Glusman, of Meetup, a company that uses the efficiency of the Internet to conveniently connect people offline. Andres works as the VP of Strategy, Product and Community in Meetup’s New York City office. In this piece, he tells us how the company uses User Experience, Lean Startup methods and innovative ways of organizing teams to fuel the company’s growth.
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