For several years, Generated content was used by relatively few Web authors due to inconsistent browser support. But in 2009, the feature was rediscovered, and many interesting implementations were adopted for the first time. In this article Gabriele Romanato will show us some possible uses of generated content.
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With Rainbow Spreadsheet, you will be able to collaboratively observe UX research sessions with team members (or clients). You will be able to conduct research that involves the entire product team, with results that are turned around quickly and that team members will be committed to acting on.
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Smashing Magazine has been my first tab to start every browsing session. Aside from being a pure designer or developer, I had no idea how one could pursue a career in that field, and I needed some inspiration. With Smashing Magazine being so close, I emailed Vitaly and was kindly invited to visit the Smashing crew.
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Fantastic, it worked! Your sign-up to our Smashing Events mailing list has been confirmed. You should have received a final subscription confirmation via email.
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A responsive website is not automatically a mobile-friendly website. Modern Web development should be about finding the right balance between server-side and client-side implementation. Today, Jon Arne Sæterås will use a real-life project that his company is working on, with real requirements and pain points, as a reference.
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In this article, Ariel Salminen is pleased to introduce Responsive Nav, a free and open-source JavaScript plugin. A solution that doesn’t require a big library and is released under the MIT License, so you can use it in all of your projects for free and without any restrictions. The solution is not one size fits all, nor is it meant to be. But for those who are looking for a solution that does one thing well, it’s definitely a good choice.
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What can we do to make our email more engaging? People are exceedingly good at ignoring emails. Even Gmail and Hotmail are helping us ignore them by providing smart inboxes that sort incoming messages. However we’ll happily read messages from families, friends or complete strangers. Why? Because these emails are full of personality.
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The first time Rachel McCollin had to move a WordPress installation, she spent hours searching online for information on the various aspects of the process, and eventually wrote herself a checklist — which she still uses. Here’s a step-by-step guide to moving a WordPress website!
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How can we, as Web designers, be equally well-versed in selling our clients on the value in supporting mobile devices every day, as being something in which they need to invest precious budget dollars? In this article, Mark Reeves will tell us a few things to take into account!
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