There are many ways to create wireframes, click-throughs and prototypes. In the end, what matters is that the process of creation is fast and accurate and that the output is of a high enough fidelity to generate the appropriate level of feedback.
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If people are on your website, they’re probably either skimming quickly, looking for something, or they’ve found what they’re looking for and want to read it as easily as possible. Either way, keeping text readable will help them achieve their goal.
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The most important metric when considering a mobile Web strategy and weighing responsive Web design against a separate mobile website, is how functional the website is for the user. We know that websites need to always evolve, and that it takes time to implement changes and new features. if you look at those factors in total, responsive Web design has to win out.
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Our knowledge of building digital things changes rapidly, taking us from newborn to adult and back again every couple of years. So, it seems pretty normal that our methods of designing and building websites are questioned every so often. But in this article, Francisco Inchauste will teach us some new things.
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I love games and I’m a huge math nerd, so I made a new iPhone game based on a famous math problem called The Seven Bridges of Königsberg. I’m selling it in the App Store, but I also want to share it with everyone, so I made it open source.
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David Březina always wondered, “What is it that makes a typeface or any other design good?”. In this article, he will try to give you a condensed recipe on how to approach typefaces critically and perhaps even ruthlessly.
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Most of us have a love/hate relationship with email. Its one of those necessary evils. Nowhere is our relationship with email more confused than when it comes to spam. But what is spam? Are you spamming users without realizing it? And is there any place in the world for email marketing?
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Backbone.js is quickly becoming the most popular framework for building modular client-side JavaScript applications. To help you tap the full potential of Marionette, Joseph Zimmerman prepared an entire eBook full of useful hands-on examples!
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It’s impossible, and even counterproductive, to try to predict and codify all potential instances of a brand’s current identity. Better to embrace executional variance in a smart way, by establishing loose parameters that nonetheless can create a familial feel for an otherwise very rich group of brand applications across media and across continents.
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Alex Denning explores the steps you need to follow in order to get the most out of your premium WordPress theme. From simply choosing the right theme, to installing it the right way, to being able to ask support questions that get answered promptly, to making customizations to your theme which won’t get overwritten by theme updates.
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