Creating a CMS is pretty easy due to the modular nature of WordPress controls and functions. Daniel Pataki outlines some methods that can be used extremely well to create customized admins for nearly anything you can think of.
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If your app fails, you’d probably want to know why. Instead of blaming forces beyond our control, why not look at some successful cases?
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Opting for a more detailed approach to displaying your work opens the door to a more creative approach to your portfolio. In this post, James Young shows us some good case studies.
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Sometimes, UX practitioners need some time to work through big design issues that don’t fit neatly into an existing user story or an individual sprint. This article will explore one answer to these problems: design spikes. This give UX teams a framework to conduct big-picture design within the scrum process.
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In this post, Steven Bradley guides us through five websites to explore navigation options. Generate ideas for alternate ways to navigate content!
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There are many common pitfalls when it comes to writing memory-efficient and fast code. In this article we’re going to explore some test-proven approaches for writing code that performs better.
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This set contains a large collection of glyphs for all occasions and uses — common pictograms that shouldn’t be missing in anybody’s arsenal. Each glyph was drawn and optimized to make sure that it fits the overall style of the suite. You can use this glyph set freely for commercial and personal projects.
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In the 18th century, cast-iron bridges sprang across British rivers such as the Tay and Severn. These lovely sculptural archways are resistant to rust, so many are still standing. What are “Industrial-strength types”? In this article Alastair Johnston explores them.
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A selection of free desktop and creative wallpapers for November 2012 created by artists from all around the world. Get some inspiration!
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Why can’t design simply be a technical service industry, free from the fussy standards and constraints peculiar to a profession? Andy Rutledge believes that in order to understand the profession’s imperative and place, we must fully understand how nonprofessional services fit into our industry.
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