Transitions and subtle motion-based animations are emerging as a new and compelling mobile design material, worthy of being learned and being used with efficiency and grace. Rachel Hinman shares the 12 basic principles of animation.
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Good tools are invaluable in figuring out where problems lie, and can also help to prevent problems from occurring in the first place, or just help you to be more efficient in general.
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While masking passwords is a good security practice, there’s a chance it could jeopardize the user experience of your sign-up form. In this article, Anthony T explores how to balance security and user experience.
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User roles and capabilities are extremely powerful tools in WordPress. In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to utilize user roles in WordPress and make the most of this incredible built-in functionality.
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Coding style is how your code looks and it is an important part of writing code as a professional. Whether you’re writing JavaScript or CSS or any other language, deciding how your code should look is an important part of overall code quality.
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When we code for only a general desktop size, a general tablet size and a general mobile size, we are forgetting about the infinite other shapes and sizes that our devices are and will be in the future. Our goal should be to always present content in order of importance, no matter what size a screen is.
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In a previous post, Niels Matthijs sampled a couple of common content types (such as products, stories and videos) across different websites. In this article, he sticks to four different views of a single content type: the story (or news article).
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At the heart of testing is the capability to ask challenging and relevant questions. Rosie Sherry takes us through the thought process of testers and discuss the types of things they consider when testing a mobile app.
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Tricks and techniques for making an HTML5 game. In this post, Eoin McGrath creates a very simple game that works on most smartphones as well as modern browsers.
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This article is targeted at the everyday developer looking for practical guidelines and tips to leverage in their Windows Phone application to build compelling Windows Phone UI-compliant apps with solid user experiences. Think of it as a checklist of sorts to ensure that your app avoids the common design problems.
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