Many people think of PHP, Ruby on Rails or Python and Django when choosing a language to create a new website or when choosing a language to learn to get that exciting new job. .NET, however, seems to occupy a space somewhat apart from this playground of cool kids. It’s always the last to be picked for team sports; it was shouting “Wassup!” at parties well after 2000; and it has been just plain left out in the cold.
I’m not one of these people. In fact, I’m quite a fan of .NET and have found it great to develop with since moving away from PHP in the early days of my career. With its great tools, large community and broad applicability (mobile, Xbox, desktop and Web) it’s both powerful and fun.
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This overview features a hand-picked and organized selection of the most useful and popular Smashing Magazine’s articles related to Usability and User Experience and published here over all the years.
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We regularly look for new resources, tools and services to make the search of these ever-growing techniques easier. This overview presents some of the most useful round-ups of time-savers, tools and services for Web designers.
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This overview features a hand-picked and organized selection of the most useful and popular Smashing Magazine’s articles related to design and development for mobile devices and published here over all the years.
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This overview features a hand-picked and organized selection of the most useful and popular Smashing Magazine’s articles related to CSS and published here over the years.
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This overview features a hand-picked and organized selection of the most useful and popular Smashing Magazine’s articles related to HTML5 and published here over all the years.
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This is a selection of most popular and useful Smashing Magazine’s articles on learning JavaScript and jQuery published over all the years here, on Smashing Magazine.
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This overview features a hand-picked and organized selection of the most useful and popular Photoshop techniques, articles and tutorials published on Smashing Magazine over the past few years.
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We always try our best to challenge your artistic abilities and produce some interesting, beautiful and creative artwork. And as designers we usually turn to different sources of inspiration.
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