Dissonance occurs when something disrupts your consonance. Go through this post to know why you should use dissonance as a new way to design and write.
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A solution for when prefixes cause maintenance troubles, bloat CSS files, and make it harder to tweak values. In this article, Lea Verou presents her recent tool: prefixfree.
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Another Smashing freebie! A Twitter UI GUI template, designed by Shelby White for our readers. Use it in private and commerical projects.
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Addy Osmani explores several time-saving design patterns and best practices that can be employed to improve your plugin development process. (Note: this post is targeted at intermediate to advanced developers.)
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Context is a critical component of effective messaging. Danny Iny brings us the 6 + 1 model that involves information that AIDA lacks. Ready to dive in?
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In this post, Rachel Andrew explains ways to minimize support requests and the time spent in dealing with them. Don’t underestimate the importance of support!
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Created by Joe Leech and released for Smashing Magazine and its readers, this sheet contains an Omnigraffle template, as well as Photoshop (PSD) and PDF examples for you to download and use as you wish.
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