Whatever type of website you operate, its success will probably hinge on your interaction with your audience. If executed well, one of the most effective tools can be a simple email.
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You’ve probably already heard about responsive design. In this post, the ZURB team present ’Foundation’, a framework to help you build prototypes and production code that’s truly responsive.
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Jason Gross explores how to take everything we have learned in design about color theory, lines, shapes and visual movement and apply it to our content in a way that supports the conversion of a goal or delivery of a message.
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Paul Scrivens knows some of you reading this are dying to get more clients or more users to the app you created. Obviously, to get more people you need to let more people know about you and that doesn’t happen unless you say something. Know how to promote yourself!
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Nathan Yau’s response to Amy’s “Do’s And Don’ts Of Infographic Design” article published a week before. The main point of this post is to show a different perspective at the points mentioned in the original article.
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Using tabs in a user interface can help you better organize content, so it’s only natural that WordPress themes that have a lot of options would benefit from tabs on their settings page. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a tabbed settings page, and you’ll get to download a WordPress theme that implements the code.
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Another freebie! Designed by Tokokoo and released exclusively for Smashing Magazine and its readers, find a theme dedicated to shops that sell products for children.
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In this article, Daniel Pataki presents a quick tutorial on using AJAX in WordPress. Learn how to properly add AJAX functionality itself to plugins!
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