A hand-picked selection of the most useful and popular Smashing Magazine’s articles featuring various building blocks of a website and published here over all the years.
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The logic behind the document outlining algorithm can be hard to grasp. In this article Derek Johnson explains how can we understand it.
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Find a few rules that will have you using typography more lucidly than ever before. Remember that an understanding of typographic etiquette separates the master designers from the novices.
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Thomas Giannattasio presents several practical techniques to help you refine your designs, increase productivity and reduce layer clutter.
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Are you fed up with hearing about yet another Silicon Valley Web application built with fairy dust and funded by magic pixies? If so, this post is for you.
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Becoming an effective designer requires embracing universal design principles and best practices. Rick Monro looks at thoughts that are typically associated with self-imposed negative influences.
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Media Queries are a great tool to enhance the experience of browsing a website on multiple devices. Find some techniques you can follow to address the problem of browsers that lack media queries support.
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This article helps designers become familiar with Android tablet app design by understanding the differences between the iPad iOS user interface and Android 3.x “Honeycomb” UI conventions and elements.
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In this post, Ken Reynolds says that ignorance needs to be embraced: Whenever you discover a gap in your knowledge, view it as an opportunity to learn something new and create something surprising and unique for the client.
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