Are you fed up with hearing about yet another Silicon Valley Web application built with fairy dust and funded by magic pixies? If so, this post is for you.
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Becoming an effective designer requires embracing universal design principles and best practices. Rick Monro looks at thoughts that are typically associated with self-imposed negative influences.
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Media Queries are a great tool to enhance the experience of browsing a website on multiple devices. Find some techniques you can follow to address the problem of browsers that lack media queries support.
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This article helps designers become familiar with Android tablet app design by understanding the differences between the iPad iOS user interface and Android 3.x “Honeycomb” UI conventions and elements.
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In this post, Ken Reynolds says that ignorance needs to be embraced: Whenever you discover a gap in your knowledge, view it as an opportunity to learn something new and create something surprising and unique for the client.
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Regardless of the tool you choose, testing early and often during the Web development process can save you from a lot of headaches later. Find a tool that fits your workflow with a little help from Cameron Chapman.
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Jad Limcaco raises the question: Is there such thing as a talented designer? Or is good design a skill? Or maybe to be a great designer, you need a combination of talent, skill, and experience?
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Giving your website a clean and concise structure opens the door to myriad opportunities. But, putting a website together the right way does take more time and money up front. Jason Gross goes over this topic in this article.
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Karim Boubker believes that an active, clean, and good looking social media profile can benefit an individual greatly. You will be seen and represented by the things you share, so the content should be good.
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In this post, Paul Boag shows how to recycle existing work to be more efficient. By taking the time to find shortcuts and work smarter, you make your job more enjoyable and end up working less.
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