A collection of JavaScript’s curiosities and well-kept secrets for intermediate developers. Andy Croxall gives you an insight into how these oddities can be useful to your code.
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Nothing ruins a great website UI like people using it. At least, it often feels that way. You put in days or weeks building the interface, only to find that a vast majority of visitors abandon it partway through the process that it supports.
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Making sure the content of images is rich in meta information before publishing them is important. That’s why, Daniel Pataki brings you some ways to enrich your blog using some common sense, best practices, and the power of WordPress.
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Memorability, virality, desirability and data collection are the four items your “coming soon” page must score high. Read this article by Sacha G, to learn how to make a good teaser page.
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How do print design and digital/Web design get along? Mark Cossey explains why these two trades have to get together and make friends: the future of online content depends on it.
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What’s the true culprit that hinders teamwork in the Web industry? Rick Sloboda starts the article with this question, and says that communication is the key to reaching full collective capacities.
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Long-term relationships with products are not easy to maintain. In this article, Thomas Giannattasio goes through some fundamental design requirements that brands should take into account in order to survive in the marketplace.
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User engagement can be optimized using performance metrics. Trace behavioral and emotional responses to learn (and improve) how much information and engagement the user has with your website.
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Daniel Waisberg focuses on error and maintenance pages, both from tracking as well as usability perspectives. Also, go through a good number of examples on how to use analytics and defensive design in order to optimize user experience for such pages.
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