Trent Walton designs and codes a Web page and adds visual enhancements twice: once with CSS3, and a second time using background images sliced directly from the PSD. He times himself and compares.
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Get some insight into the Smashing book 2 production. How we worked in order to create a remarkable, high-quality, and at the same time, affordable product for our readers.
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Steven Gliebe shares information to help you compare the details of popular WordPress theme clubs, and more easily determine which membership-based theme providers are worth their investment.
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A look at some interesting and original ways to present navigation menus content. Approach these techniques, making sure they fit the context of your design, always prioritizing a good navigation and a richer user experience.
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A carefully selected list of useful (and powerful!) CSS techniques and tools. Collected, analyzed and curated resources for you to use them right away or save them for future reference.
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When creating Web and app interfaces, add this small changes to your workflow. Move, rotate and paste maintaining the highest-quality artwork from the start to the end of the project.
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Avoid SEO snake oil and get strategic about content to provide a quality experience to your users. In this article, Colleen Jones shares a concise introduction to content strategy focusing on three key topics: analysis, editorial, and architecture.
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Leigh Mason breaks down the process of integrating a credit card payment solution onto your website. If at first glance you consider the prospect can seem unwieldy, this article will help you to understand it much better.
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We don’t simply own products; we have relationships with them. In this article, Thomas Giannattasio shares his thoughts on designing attraction.
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Smashing Cartoons was a regular section on Smashing Magazine in which we used to publish a new cartoon every Friday illustrated by the one and only Ricardo Gimenes. All of the cartoons are dedicated to design and Web development, but also have a comic twist about everything happening around the Web as well as give you some insights behind the curtains of Smashing Magazine.
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