Adobe Photoshop is a powerful tool for designing various visual elements one can use for web-pages. However, sometimes it’s important to know what to do in order to achieve some effects. In such cases, step-by-step tutorials can provide help and save a lot of time you would have to spend on finding a solution otherwise. Let’s take a look at some of the best Adobe Photoshop tutorials we’ve found in the Web so far.
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Spam is probably one of the most difficult problems we have to deal with. E-Mail-filters, such as those used in GMail, provide accurate results, but not every company is willing to use extern services for its private mails. The problem occurs when web-developers have to display e-mail-addresses on a web-page.
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You’d like to improve the link popularity of your site. Or maybe to keep track on the latest web buzz. It would be nice to inform your readers about it the minute the news occured. Or maybe you just want to monitor the activities of your users and be able to find the best topics they might be interested in - quickly and efficiently. In these cases tracking tools can be extremely useful and improve your search enormously.
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What are the best ways to boost your position in search engines? What keywords should you use on your web-pages? And which tools should you use to improve the quality of backlinks, link popularity and Google Pagerank? We deliver answers. Here is the list of the most useful SEO-tools you might be willing to use, developing and optimizing your next web-site.
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What can be better than simple, useful and handy tools you can use “on the fly” in the development process? Whether you’d like to test font size, generate online-forms, create rollover-navigation, create a slide-show, format CSS code or optimize your code - you can use dozens of tools to make your life easier.
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Being a web developer means not only being able to design websites or program their functionality. Sometimes it also means to be able to explain complex issues clearly and be able to present reasonable and convincing arguments.
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