Mistakes. These cruel villains do not even stop at the beautiful world of software development. But although we cannot avoid making mistakes, we can learn to undo them! In this article, Tobias Günther will show you the right tools for your daily work with Git. You might want to check the first article of the series as well.
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Web fonts are often terrible for web performance and none of the font loading strategies are particularly effective to address that. If you want to use web fonts your choices are basically Flash of Invisible Text (aka FOIT) or Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUT). Neither option has really “won out” because neither is really satisfactory, to be honest. Upcoming font options may finally deliver on the promise of making it easier to align fallback fonts to the final fonts.
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CSS Container queries bring media queries closer to the target elements themselves and enables them to adapt to virtually any given container or layout. In this article, Adrian Bece is going to cover CSS container query basics and how to use them today with progressive enhancement or polyfills.
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In this article, Shalabh Vyas will show you how to build a WYSIWYG/Rich-Text Editor that supports rich text, images, links and some nuanced features from word processing apps. We will use SlateJS to build the shell of the editor and then add a toolbar and custom configurations. The code for the application is available on GitHub for reference.
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Our workshops bring in knowledgeable, kind folks from the community to explore real-life solutions to real-life problems, live, with you. Front-end and design are remarkably complex these days. That’s why we invite kind, smart folks from the community to run online workshops for all of us to learn together. And we have new ones coming up, and we’d like to kindly welcome you to join in.
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At the moment of adding authentication and authorization to our web applications, there are some things that we should evaluate, e.g. whether we need to create our own security platform or whether we can rely on an existing third-party service. Let’s see how we can implement authentication and authorization in Next.js apps, with Auth0.
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With such a complex multi-level navigation, showing the breadth of options requires quite a bit of space. Think of large eCommerce retailers and large corporate sites, catering to many audiences and having plenty of entry points. Do we need mega-dropdown hover menus in 2021? Probably not. Let’s explore things to keep in mind when designing and building a mega-dropdown, alternatives to hover menus and fine details for designing a better UX.
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Three years ago, we published a comprehensive introduction to the basic use of SVGator. At that time it was an app meant solely for animating SVG files created in other apps. Two years ago, we introduced you to a new version of SVGator and its improved animation capabilities. Today, we are taking a closer look at SVGator 3.0, a new major release of the popular SVG application that lets you create, edit and animate SVG files and make the best out of what SVG has to offer — from start to finish.
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In this episode, we’re talking about VisBug. What is it, and how is it different from the array of options already found in Chrome DevTools? Drew McLellan talks to its creator Adam Argyle to find out.
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Google’s “Page Experience Update” will start rolling out in June. At first, sites that meet Core Web Vitals thresholds will have a minor ranking advantage in mobile search for all browsers. Search is important to any business, and this is the story of how Beau Hartshorne and his team at Instant Domain Search improved their Core Web Vitals scores. Plus, an open-source tool they’ve built along the way.
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