As designers, we are often burdened by the responsibility of producing and managing website content. It’s not our job to write it, but it’s not the client’s either. In many cases a vacuum emerges which ultimately gets filled with poor content. In this article, Matt Saunders will show you that you can avert disaster by including content production in the design process.
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Let’s explore the plugins providing GraphQL servers to WordPress. When should we use WPGraphQL, and when the GraphQL API for WordPress? Is there some advantage of one over the other, or some particular task that is easier to accomplish with one of them? In this article, Leonardo Losoviz will describe, from his own point of view but as objectively as possible, when WPGraphQL is the way to go and when GraphQL API for WordPress is a better choice.
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How are Core Web Vitals measured? How do you know your fixes have had the desired effect and when will you see the results in Google Search Console? Let’s figure it out! In this post, Barry Pollard is going to attempt to explain a bit more about what’s going on here and explain some of the nuances and misunderstandings of these tools.
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It’s no secret that the technical interview process leaves something to be desired; it’s often riddled with anxiety and stress. From the recruiter’s phone call to the systems design interview to negotiating a job offer, there is no all-encompassing technical interview resource, so Emma Bostian decided to create one. In this article, Emma Bostian is going to take a look at seven of the most common mistakes candidates make in their technical interviews and explore ways you can avoid them.
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If you’re an agency owner, you know that you need customers to grow. No matter how big your dreams are, customers are the lifeblood of your business. But you’re probably wondering — how do you attract quality, high-paying clients?Selling is key to growing your web design business, but it doesn’t have to be complicated! With clear goals, customer research, and proven closing techniques, anyone can find new clients.
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At Smashing, we’ve been busy over the last few months. We’ve set up new workshops, redesigned our navigation, refined performance and improved accessibility. There are subtle UX changes coming in, and we’d love to share what we’ve been cooking. A sincere thank you for your kind, ongoing support and generosity — thank you for being smashing, now and ever!
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You may have come across horizontal scrollbar issues, especially on mobile, if you’re a front-end developer. Because there are many causes of scrollbar problems, there is no straightforward solution. Some issues can be fixed quickly, and some need a little debugging skill. In this article, Ahmad Shadeed will explore the causes of overflow issues and how to solve them. We will also explore how modern features in the developer tools (DevTools) can make the process of fixing and debugging easier.
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Instead of sending the entire video at once, a video is sent as a set of smaller chunks that make up the full video. This explains why videos buffer when watching a video on slow broadband because it only plays the chunks it has received and tries to load more. In this article, Deven Rathore will build a video streaming app using Nuxt.js and Node.js. Specifically, you’ll build a server-side Node.js app that will handle fetching and streaming videos, generating thumbnails for your videos, and serving captions and subtitles.
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In a new short series of posts, we highlight some of the useful tools and techniques for developers and designers. Recently we’ve covered CSS generators, SVG generators and accessible front-end components. This time we look into templates and tools for building and designing HTML emails. Don’t miss the next one.
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UX practitioners can play an important role in growing the UX maturity of the organizations and product teams they work with. This final article in a three-part series presents two additional tactics that are critical for achieving and maintaining higher levels of UX maturity: education of UX staff and education of non-UX staff on UX principles and processes.
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