Our wallpapers post this month is a special one: There’s not only a new collection of wallpapers created by creative folks from across the globe waiting for you, but we’ll also award a smashing prize to the best design.
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Trust is at the heart of a long-term strategy of any product. There are many ways to earn it, and even more ways to lose it. In this article, Adam Fard will go through how you, as a product designer, can make sure your product nurtures and retains trust throughout every touchpoint. To do that, we’ll be borrowing some of the tricks marketers and product people have up their sleeves.
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An introduction to building a Discord bot using the Discord.js module. The bot will share random jokes, assign or revoke user roles, and post tweets of a specific account to a Discord channel. In this article, Subha Chanda will showu you how to build a bot from scratch using JavaScript and with help from Discord.js. He’ll cover the process from building the bot up to deploying it to the cloud.
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Where to put the label in a web form? In the early days, we talked about left-aligned labels versus top-aligned labels. These days we talk about floating labels. Let’s explore why they aren’t a very good idea, and what to use instead. Some people assume float labels are best because Google’s Material Design uses them. But in this case, Adam Silver recommends using conventional text fields which have the label outside the input (to tell the user what to type), and a distinct border all the way around (to make it obvious where the answer goes).
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A classic problem in CSS is maintaining the aspect ratio of images across related components, such as cards. The newly supported aspect-ratio property in combination with object-fit provides a remedy to this headache of the past! In this article, Stephanie Eckles will show you how to use these properties, in addition to creating a responsive gradient image effect for extra flair.
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As digital practitioners, GDPR has impacted every facet of our professional and personal lives. Whether you’re addicted to Instagram, message your family on WhatsApp, buy products from Etsy or Google information, no one has escaped the rules that were introduced in 2018.
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As developers, we’re constantly learning new languages and frameworks. But how can you structure this learning to ensure maximum benefit while still progressing? Here’s how you can devise your own curriculum to keep moving in the right direction. The following are simply steps that worked for Kirsty Simmonds when she needed to learn over time, without burning out or placing undue pressure on myself. If they work for you, wonderful. If not, no worries. We all have our own pace!
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In this article, we take a look at the topic of context and variables in Hugo, a popular static site generator. You’ll understand concepts such as the global context, flow control, and variables in Hugo templates, as well as data flow from content files through templates to partials and base templates.
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DevTools is very advanced and helpful, but can also be very intimidating and overwhelming. Let’s fix that. In this article, Vitaly reviews useful features and shortcuts for debugging in Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari.
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Adding video to your application can increase customer engagement and satisfaction. But the exact opposite can occur when there are issues with the video playback: video stalls are frustrating and drive customers away. In this article, Doug Sillars will walk you through the steps to optimize the video on your website to ensure fast playback and reduce stalls.
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