As a tall Dutchie living in the far east (usually Hong Kong), Jarijn prides himself on having a good overview of things (at least physically :). At Smashing, Jarijn runs the membership program, and also helps out with organising various online and offline events. Whilst he does not per se like breaking things, he does sometimes breaks things online (yeah those em-dashes), or even his own bones — whilst doing one of the many sports he likes doing.
Now that some time has passed since the team returned from SmashingConf San Francisco, we’ve had time to think about the event and wrap up some of the things we all learned.
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We love seeing what we all can do to make the web more accessible and usable. We also love organizing and attending online events, with our SmashingConf Live last year, and of course, our online workshops are here to stay! After two years when almost everything moved online, 2022 marks the return of in-person conferences. In fact, SmashingConf is back: coming to San Francisco and Austin in June, Freiburg (Germany) in September, and New York in October.
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