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Author Jhey Tompkins

8 articles

Jhey makes awesome things for awesome people! He’s worked on the web for 10+ years and is currently a Developer Relations Engineer @ Google. He’s previously worked with and for names such as Monzo, Eurostar, Nike, Uber, NearForm, and M&C Saatchi. Jhey thrives on bringing ideas to life. And as such, one of his main goals is showing people how to level up with creative coding. He takes pride in crafting innovative solutions with polished user experiences. He’s a CodePen advocate and shares attention-catching demos over on Twitter. Stay Awesome! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

The Path To Awesome CSS Easing With The linear() Function

3D CSS Flippy Snaps With React And GreenSock

Playfulness In Code: Supercharge Your Learning By Having Fun