Making a major career shift late in life to follow your passion is scary. Thankfully, becoming a professional creative is now more accessible than ever because of the numerous educational resources available. With so many options available just a few mouse clicks away, how do you decide which option is the best fit for you? In this article, Alec McGuffey has put together a list of the best ways to learn design according to your personality, budget, lifestyle and personal goals. Get out there and find the perfect one for you! If you set your mind to it and immerse yourself fully in the creative world, you’ll be able to learn the skills necessary to build a career in design, no matter which educational route you go down.
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If you’re working in a growing startup or a large corporation, you probably know the issues that come with this: The big-picture falls from view easily as everyone is focusing on the details they are responsible for, and conceptions about the vision of the design might be interpreted differently, too. The bigger challenge lies in keeping the sum of the parts intact. And accomplishing that with a lot of designers involved in the same project. What you need is a set of best practices to remove this friction and make the process smoother. A strategy to scale design without hurting it.
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In order to really know whether your work is any good, you need a higher level of principles that can be used as a measuring stick for implementing design. You need something that is removed from a specific language like CSS or an opinionated way of writing it. To bridge this gap, Tom Greever’s compiled nine principles of design implementation. This is a set of broad guidelines meant to preserve an underlying value. It can be used as a guide for someone working on implementation or as a tool to evaluate an existing project. To make it easier to follow along and see how each principle applies to a project, Tom will use a design mockup from one of his projects as the basis for this article.
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Creating large, harmonious and uniform color palettes can be a challenge. Good intentions and confident plans can be abandoned when things get a little unwieldy.
But you can equip yourself with some tools to manage the complexity. With the right techniques, large color palettes can be created, refined and refactored at will. Large color palettes can be tamed.
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Strong graphic design makes transportation systems more attractive. Graphical language can be so iconic that you can even buy all sorts of souvenirs with its elements: t-shirts, umbrellas, shower curtains. This helps cities get rid of privately owned cars. People spend more time outside, interacting with each other. This gives small businesses a boost and makes cities more pleasant to live in. Today, Ilya Birman will show you how map design works by taking a look at a series of maps as an example.
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If you don’t get out of your comfort zone, you may never discover something that you love doing, or perhaps even worse, never learn a whole lot about yourself. Even the most talented artists out there practice so much more than you’d ever imagine, and hone their skills by trying out copywork. The most important thing is to be confident and simply give it a try. For more encouragement, Vitaly Friedman has collected a good number of inspirational artwork that is bound to give you that spark you need to get started already!
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How do you make sure the team gets up to date with everything that’s being released? As a team leader, Alecsandru Grigoriu was faced with a new challenge: making sure there’s enough recurrence in his team’s communication to facilitate the team’s development. Enter the weekly design meetings. Having a structure and a template to work with is not enough. They’ve settled on a few ground rules in order for the meetings to unfold properly. Looking back at the first 10 meetings, they went through over 100 resources and tackled 2 main design challenges.
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As an educator, Alma Hoffmann has learned that one of the most challenging aspects for an aspiring left-hand letterer is to apply everything that a right-handed person is teaching. It is almost like doing mental gymnastics. In this article, she will help you get started with the fundamentals of lettering with the left hand: the position and placement of the arm and wrist, the position of the paper, and holding the tool (brush pens). Alma will share theoretical as well as practical advice, demonstrating some points using her student Talondra Keeton, who is left-handed, to create lettering. She started back in January, and throughout the semester she has been consistently improving. Let’s get started.
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Humor is an important aspect of life. It has many positive benefits, like reducing stress, increasing psychological well being and increasing tolerance for pain. Humor is integral and inherent to human relationships. You can use humor in your design to create a positive user experience. We want to develop positive relationships with our users — humor can help make that happen. In this article, Victor Yocco will show you that you can incorporate humor in your design, maintain your brand identity and not look like you are trying too hard in the process.
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Vision is perhaps the strongest human sense, a hero image is one of the fastest ways to grab the user’s attention. As long as it is high quality, interesting to look at and works well with the content, a hero image is a great option and a powerful communication tool. Design with sufficient contrast and a clear call to action to make the most of this technique. In this article, give you a few tips on using hero images. Also, if you’d like to get started and take a go at prototyping and wireframing your own designs a bit more differently, you can download and test Adobe XD for free.
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