In this article, Martin Gittins will explore the idea of consciously restricting yourself to a set of core tools that you know, love and trust, so that you don’t get overwhelmed by the staggering array of resources and options available to designers. You should know what your most precious tools are, and keep a portable set close at hand.
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In this article, Addy Osmani will discuss how to improve the paint performance of your websites and Web apps. Luckily, a lot of great tools out there can help with that. Be sure to measure paint performance on both desktop and mobile, and if all goes well, your users will end up with snappier, more silky-smooth experiences, regardless of the device they’re using.
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In this article, Anselm Hannemann suggests how we can manage to test on multiple devices to resolve errors, without pouring a truck-load of money into actually buying all of these different devicessince these tasks haven’t become any simpler since the wide variety of smartphones, tablets and other devices that sport various operating systems and versions.
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Web typography is as rich, versatile and accessible as ever before. Yet new opportunities introduce new complexity; and with new implementation challenges, we are all spurred to reconsider our practices. Now, we’ve reviewed the original study and explored how Web typography has changed over these years.
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Part of WordPress’ success is that the community consists not only of developers, but of designers, user experience experts, support volunteers, writers, users, accessibility experts and enthusiasts. This diverse input strengthens the project. In this article, Siobhan McKeown will talk about the different contributor groups and how you can take part. But first, why should you get involved with WordPress?
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The ideas in this article can be applied to the design phase of any new project. ideas about design consultancy. About wrangling that client who uses empty sentences like, “We want a snappy, simple experience,” or, “It should be on brand and should really pop.” How To Help A Real-Life Knight Achieve His Goals.
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The Web has always been a weird, borderless, flexible medium. In the last couple of years, we’ve started to realize that designing for this medium is fundamentally different from the design work we’ve done previously. People keep saying that the Web has changed. But has it really? Let’s take a look at all of the things that have actually changed.
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Welcome to another interview in the series called “How I Work.” These interviews revolve around how leading thinkers and creators in the Web world design, code and create.
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Content knowledge isn’t just about ditching lorem ipsum in a couple of comps. When you take the time to understand the content that already exists, not only will you be able to ensure that it’s supported in the new design, but you’ll actually make the entire design stronger because you’ll have realistic scenarios to design with and for. Today, we’re going to make existing content work for you, not against you.
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How can we maintain hierarchy as elements on the screen are resized and reflowed? Trent Walton first called attention to the issue with his post “Content Choreography,” which showed how visual hierarchy gets lost when columns are dropped below one another. You need to think about how you’ll want to rearrange blocks of content as your design moves from single to multiple columns.
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