It’s impressive how quickly a real-time multi-user application can be built with Colyseus — once you figure out how to properly describe the schema. This article highlights the process, technical decisions and lessons learned behind building the real-time game Autowuzzler. Learn how to share game state across multiple clients in real-time with Colyseus, do physics calculations with Matter.js, store data in and build the front-end with SvelteKit.
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The tips presented in this article aim to help HTML5 game developers in avoiding common mistakes when converting their Flash games to JS and making the process run as smooth as possible. Today, Tomasz Grajewski will focus mainly on Phaser v2. However, a newer version of Phaser is now available, and we encourage you to check it out, as it introduced a plethora of fresh, cool features, such as multiple cameras, scenes, tilemaps, or Matter.js physics engine.
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As technologies improve and design techniques evolve, improvements in digital design are inevitable. What is truly impressive, however, is how we are now able to use design to tell a story. As attention spans shorten and visitors just want to get to the good stuff on a website, designers have to get more creative in how they communicate their website’s “story.” In this article, Suzanne Scacca suggests techniques that can be used in web design.
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Imagine that you get up to get a glass of water, but the exact reason why you did that at that particular time isn’t easy to explain. It was “too hot” and you were “somewhat thirsty,” but also maybe “a little bored.” Each of these qualities isn’t either/or, but instead fall on a spectrum of values. In contrast, software is usually built on Boolean values. You set isHot to true and if isHot && isThirsty && isBored, then you call getWater(). If you use code like this to control your game characters, then they will appear jerky and less natural. In this article, Lou Franco will show you how to add intelligent behavior to the non-player characters of a game using an alternative to conventional Boolean logic.
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Apple’s GameplayKit has several algorithms and data structures that make it easier to follow game development best practices. When you develop a game, you need to sprinkle conditionals everywhere. If Pac-Man eats a power pill, then ghosts should run away. GKRuleSystem, lets you build up complex conditional logic from smaller pieces. By structuring your code around it, you’ll create rules that are easier to change or reuse for new levels. In this article, we’re going to take typical game logic code and learn how to represent it as a rule system.
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Game-making has never been easier on iOS since the introduction of SpriteKit. In part three of this three-part series, Marc Vandehey will finish up the RainCat game and complete the introduction to SpriteKit.
This is lesson three in your RainCat journey. Today you will learn how to create options for muting sounds; game-quitting option; and a main menu — with buttons
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Game-making has never been easier on iOS since the introduction of SpriteKit. In part two of this three-part series, Marc Vandehey will explore the basics of SpriteKit. If you missed out on the previous lesson, you can catch up by getting the code on GitHub. Remember that this tutorial requires Xcode 8 and Swift 3. Today, you will learn how to spawn the cat, spawn food, animate the cat and add sound effects and music. Let’s do it!
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In this three-part series, Marc Vandehey will explore the basics of SpriteKit. He will touch on SKPhysics, collisions, texture management, interactions, sound effects, music, buttons and SKScenes. The aim of this series is to get a good understanding of what goes into making a simple game. You can check in with us later on and use the code as a reference for future projects. I will keep updating the code base with interesting additions and refactoring. To get a taste of what you will be creating, check out the completed project.
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Enter the amazing world of rational agents, supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Start developing algorithms that can solve daily life problems by simulating the thinking of the human mind. In this article, Arnaldo Perez Castano will describe an artificial intelligence by means of an A* search algorithm for the sliding tiles puzzle. You will be able to compete with friends and create artificial intelligences for this and many other puzzles and games!
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A lot of game genres, such as racing and platform fighting games, rely on a gamepad rather than a keyboard and mouse for the best experience. This means these games can now be played on the web with the same gamepads that are used for consoles. A demo is available, and if you don’t have a gamepad, you can still enjoy the demo using a keyboard. As with all experimental technologies, results with the Gamepad API are unstable. However, by using it (and providing feedback), you are sculpting the future of the technology. This represents a huge opportunity for the game industry!
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