An independent film, traditionally speaking, is generally referred to as a movie created entirely outside the traditional Hollywood system. It is usually the kind of production where the actors double up as camera men, friends and family provide the bankroll and the director’s mom is in charge of craft services.
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News websites can be intriguing to examine from a design perspective. Regardless of what type of news they cover, they all face the challenge of displaying a huge amount of content on the home page, which creates plenty of layout, usability and navigational challenges for the designer. The lessons that can be learned from examining how news websites address these challenges can be valuable for designers who work with other types of websites, including ones with blog theme designs.
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Image captions are an often-overlooked element of Web design. They’re often thought of more in terms of function than form. As long as they include the proper photo credits or identifying information about the image subject, not much more thought is given to them.
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It’s fascinating what information can be learned about a movie simply from taking a glance at the movie poster. Skipping past the obvious such as the title and cast, what is really interesting is determining a film’s tone and atmosphere from its poster alone. Is it violent? Funny? Scary? Quite often the poster alone may answer these questions for you.
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Typography talks the talk, to go along with the overall work’s walk, speaking volumes for the artist. This important design element surrounds people daily as they move through their routines, rarely taking notice. It’s literally everywhere. In advertising, product packaging, printed publications, graphic designs, and more. Accentuating and centralizing the overall theme of the design that it inhabits, communicating the message to the masses through creative inclusions in the work.
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More than quick sketches and drawings, Moleskine art can encompass mixed media and even digital art. The imperfect lines, smudges and wrinkles give it dimension and raw honesty that more than ever are sought by digital artists and implemented in software. Regardless of any advancement in technology, pen and paper will always be the number once choice for any budding artist or seasoned illustrator.
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Among all different types of photography showcased on the Smashing Magazine, underwater photography is probably one of the most difficult ones. It requires a very specialized equipment and the knowledge of some advanced techniques to get a perfect picture. Underwater photos offen suffer from loss of color and contrast when taken on some significant depth. These photos are always adjusted with color balance to help offset the blueish tint of the water.
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In the realm of digital art, so many wonderful and playful genres exist that stimulate the imagination, but so few do it with the intricate style of fractal art. Fractal art is achieved through the mathematical calculations of fractal objects being visually displayed, with the use of self-similar transforms that are generated and manipulated with different assigned geometric properties to produce multiple variations of the shape in continually reducing patterns. Sounds extremely technical and not that artistic, true, but these equations create some of the most mesmerizing and inspiring artwork to emerge from the digital art arena.
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Pricing tables play an important role for every company that offers products or services. They are a challenge from both a design and usability standpoint. They must be simple but at the same time clearly differentiate between features and prices of different products and services.
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Movie posters are art and, unfortunately, the forgotten one. In the early years of cinema history, they were used just like advertising material. Displayed in theatres only, movie posters had the same function as a menu in a restaurant: what feast can I enjoy this evening? Nowadays, movie posters play a big role in cinema memorabilia collection. They have lost the “informative” tone to wear a more artistic and decorative dress. We want to change it with this post.
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