In this article, you can learn how to build the animated note display from the Awwwards website. It discusses the HTML5 SVG circle element, its stroke properties, and how to animate them with CSS variables and Vanilla JavaScript.
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Ever heard of a text adventure? Text adventures have been replaced over the years by games that present better visuals and, especially in the past few years, the increasing ability to collaborate with other friends and play together. This particular feature is one that the original text adventures lacked, and one that we want to bring back in this series of articles. Today, Fernando Doglio explains the process of how to create an entire engine that is capable of letting you play any text adventure you and your friends enjoy. That’s right, we’re going to spice it up a bit by adding multiplayer to the text adventure genre!
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Building real-time applications is hard. However, GraphQL is rapidly upending this status-quo. In three simple steps you can quickly wire-up a fully-functional real-time app, without getting mired in unnecessary details such as setting up a websocket connection. That right there is the power of community tooling backing an abstraction like GraphQL. In this article, Sandip Devarkonda will explore what GraphQL is, and then take it for a spin by building a poll app in which users can vote and on-screen aggregated results are updated in real time.
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Overusing inline CSS or JS code, as opposed to serving code through static resources, can harm the site’s performance. In this article, Leonardo Losoviz will learn how to load dynamic code through static files instead, avoiding the drawbacks of too much inline code. You will see, as an example, how WordPress loads 43kb of scripts to print the Media Manager, which are pure JavaScript templates and could perfectly be loaded as static resources.
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Have you ever had a requirement in which you had to design and build an interactive web experience but the grid system fell short? Furthermore, the design elements turned into unusual shapes that just wouldn’t fit into the regular web layouts? In this article, Krutie Patel is going to build an interactive infographic using Vue.js, SVG and GreenSock by using dynamic data and unusual layout.
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When creating a multi-step form in which a file is uploaded and manipulated, if the application is running on several servers behind a load balancer, then we need to make sure that the file is available all throughout the execution of the process, for whichever server handles the process at each step. In this article, Leonardo Losoviz will solve this issue by creating a repository accessible to all servers where to upload the files, based on AWS S3.
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Attribute selectors are magical. They can get you out of sticky problems, help you avoid adding classes and point out some problems in your code. But don’t worry, while attribute selectors are complex and powerful, they’re easy to learn and easy to utilize. In this article, John Rhea will discuss how they operate and give you some ideas about how to use them. By the end of this article, you’ll use them to run diagnostics on your site, fix otherwise unsolvable problems, and generate technologic experiences so advanced they feel like magic.
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While effective bundling of resources on the web has received a great deal of mindshare in recent times, how we ship front-end resources to our users has remained pretty much the same. The average weight of JavaScript and style resources that a website ships with is rising — even though build tooling to optimize the website has never been better. With the marketshare of evergreen browsers rising fast and browsers launching support for new features in lockstep, is it time we rethink asset delivery for the modern web? Today, Shubham Kanodia will give you some answers.
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Dealing with this in JavaScript can be tricky. But what if instead of fight against it we could leverage on it to achieve nice stuff like function composition with virtual methods? This is what Willian Martins is going to explore in this article about one of the potential upcoming JavaScript features: The Bind Operator. The goal here is to add some hype around it and create awareness of the hard work that TC39 is doing to find consensus, fix all the syntax and semantics issues and have it shipped with the next releases of ECMAScript.
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Building websites is hard. Being user-focussed, having a progressive enhancement mindset, and thinking things through from the beginning can have a real impact on both the speed and quality of delivery. In this article, Shane Hudson is going to explore building a text box, in an exaggeration of situations many of us often find ourselves in. Hopefully, by the end of this article, you can all feel more emphatic to how the journey from start to finish is rarely linear.
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