A “dark pattern” is a deceptive UX pattern that tricks users into doing things they may not really want to do. Autofill is a widespread feature either by choice or by accident: who hasn’t accepted to let the browser save/use web form information, either on purpose or by mistake? In this article, Alvaro Montoro does a little experiment to find out how much privacy is taken away from users across three different browsers.
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In the right circumstances, your web analytics or real user measurement data can offer visibility into the world of imposter domains, used by web scrapers to re-publish your site content on their servers. Content scraping is a fact of life on the Internet. When you think of web scraping, you probably do not think about the scrapers turning around and immediately serving your entire, whole page content on another website. But what if your site content is being re-published? It might be already happening.
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As a community, we can each work to improve our own little corners of the Web. But, collectively, we can do better. We can improve the Web and make it a better platform for privacy. The Web is still wrestling with issues we take for granted offline, privacy chief among them. These are steps The New York Times took to protect users’ data, and how you can too.
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As digital practitioners, GDPR has impacted every facet of our professional and personal lives. Whether you’re addicted to Instagram, message your family on WhatsApp, buy products from Etsy or Google information, no one has escaped the rules that were introduced in 2018. In this article, Danny Bluestone will take a look at two developments that have impacted cookies, plus a third on the horizon.
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As digital practitioners, GDPR has impacted every facet of our professional and personal lives. Whether you’re addicted to Instagram, message your family on WhatsApp, buy products from Etsy or Google information, no one has escaped the rules that were introduced in 2018.
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Today, Suzanne Scacca is going to look at “The Website Dilemma”. In other words, is it possible to build an authoritative, lead generating, high converting website without manipulating visitors into doing what you want? If you follow social media’s lead, they’re one and the same. If you’d prefer not to trade your customers’ well-being for profit, keep reading.
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In this episode of the Smashing Podcast we’re talking about online privacy. What should web developers be doing to make sure the privacy of our users is maintained? Drew McLellan talks to an expert on the subject, Laura Kalbag, to find out.
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Early this month, The Ethical Design Handbook joined the Smashing Library of essential books for designers and developers. Changes around the world have meant changes in the book release, but readers love it so far! Ethical Design principles are timeless and we are seeing the results of that during an unprecedented time of change.
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It’s here, and it’s shipping. Today, Vitaly Friedman brings you our new practical guide on how to help companies grow sustainably with honest digital products. Without dark patterns, with ethics in mind, and ready for GDPR & CCPA. Jump to table of contents or get the book right away.Read more…
Dark patterns are prevailing many of the interfaces we use, and our data is collected, evaluated and handed over to third-parties left and right, often without us noticing at all. Can we fix it? Watch an informal panel discussion, moderated by Vitaly Friedman, exploring questions you have, and the problems that we all need to address. Watch the recording (Vimeo).
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