The web is evolving at such a fast pace that it can be hard to stay on top of things. To give you an overview of what happened in the web dev world in the past few weeks, Anselm Hannemann once again compiled his monthly update.
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This week, CSS Shapes ships in a production version of Firefox with the release of Firefox 62 — along with a very nice addition to the Firefox DevTools to help us work with Shapes. In this article, Rachel Andrew will take a closer look at CSS Shapes and how to create non-rectangular shapes using images, gradients, and basic shapes. We also discover how the new tools in Firefox make editing shapes easier.
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What happened in the web industry in the past four weeks? To keep you up-to-date, Anselm summarizes the latest techniques, browser updates, and hot topics in one handy reading list.
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In this article, William Lim describes the effect of scroll bouncing and how it works on different web browsers. It contains reviews of several different solutions that are suggested on the web that can be used to prevent scroll bouncing. The CSS property, overscroll-behavior, which was implemented in Chrome on December 2017 and in Firefox on March 2018, is also described here. A good understanding of this effect is very helpful for building or designing any website that has fixed elements.
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We asked the Smashing Community for their favorite tips and tricks when editing text and code. With so many great suggestions, Rachel Andrew decided to collect them all into one article so you can add it to your useful bookmarks. Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply and share their best-appreciated tools and techniques — we sincerely appreciate it!
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Staying up to date with the latest techniques, browser updates, and hot topics can be quite a challenge. Every month, Anselm Hannemann summarizes what’s been going on in the web industry, so you can easily catch up on everything new and important.
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Learning to code can be tough. If you are new to JavaScript and/or have struggles adding it to your skillset, Murat Kemaldar may have an approach for you to overcome those barriers. You are definitely not alone, and you have every right to think that learning to code is a tough nut to crack. In this article, Murat shares his advice on how writing code differently and poetically has helped him overcome his initial struggles and insecurities.
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Do you know Redux’s real power is beyond managing the state? Do you want to design with an understanding of how Redux works in mind? With the help of this article, Linton Ye would like to show you a full picture of Redux: what it can do, why it does its things, what the downsides are, when to use it, and how it relates to design. Even if you haven’t written a single line of code before, it’s still possible and beneficial to understand Redux. Expect plain English and doodles — no code or abstract talks.
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If you’ve been looking for a list of email newsletters dedicated to web designers and developers, Ricky Onsman has got one that is bound to help you keep up with the industry — the most useful news and resources sent directly to your email inbox. The newsletters that were most namechecked are included here in their own section: “The Favorites.” For this article, Ricky focused on great newsletter content. It could be presented as sophisticated HTML with videos and infographics, or it could be no nonsense plain text with minimal descriptions, as long as the content — including how reliable any links are — is good.
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CSS styles isolation is the most frequent start point of the BEM usage. But this is the least that BEM can give you. BEM brings a system approach in your project and keeps it from the mess. Nevertheless, many developers believe that such a system approach like BEM puts additional boundaries on their project and makes your project overloaded, cumbersome, and slow. In this article, Inna Belaya will be collecting all of the main aspects of BEM in a condensed form. She will help you understand the basic ideas of BEM in just 20 minutes, and to reject prejudices that the system approach is detrimental to your project.
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