A persistent primary navigation bar shows top-level pages, allowing users to move between sections. However, there is one class of website for which this traditional form of navigation falls short. It is what Paul Boag refers to as a “mega-site”.
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Today there’s no way to accurately design for the Web using physical units, nor will there be for a very long time. But there is a way to design while knowing the physical characteristics of the device. It’s called the “resolution media query”, and it’s been in the specification for media queries for some time. So, how will we use this nifty little feature, exactly? Here’s how.
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We need to embrace a device-agnostic approach to communicating with connected consumers and forget the idea of a “mobile Internet”. Advances by Google and Apple have heightened consumer expectations, which now require stricter focus from us to create seamless online communications. There is only One Web to experience.
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David Březina always wondered, “What is it that makes a typeface or any other design good?”. In this article, he will try to give you a condensed recipe on how to approach typefaces critically and perhaps even ruthlessly.
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In this post, Steven Bradley guides us through five websites to explore navigation options. Generate ideas for alternate ways to navigate content!
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Why can’t design simply be a technical service industry, free from the fussy standards and constraints peculiar to a profession? Andy Rutledge believes that in order to understand the profession’s imperative and place, we must fully understand how nonprofessional services fit into our industry.
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The purpose of this article is not to convince you to stop reading articles that help you learn the techniques of your craft. Its purpose is to make the case for a more balanced information diet, with which we all take the time to nourish the parts of our brain that give us much-needed context to understand and effectively use the techniques that we see in galleries and tutorials.
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At the Smashing Conference, Andy Clarke spoke about the workflow that involves responsive design, the client participation process and how to organize the feedback with your clients. In this article, Clarke shares the expanded notes he made before his talk.
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What do you think about the future of the Web? In this post, Christian Heilmann argues that its future is not as problematic and endangered as a lot of people make it out to be.
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In this essay, Rian van der Merwe weaves a story about the current state of Internet discourse. At the end, tells us how he thinks we can make it better.
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