In this article, Jakub Mikita is going to guide you through the entire process of creating and handling AJAX calls. You will learn how to make an AJAX call, but also how to do it the best way using features that WordPress offers developers right out of the box. There are a lot of “without-page-refresh” solutions out there, but here’s one you can create with AJAX. by the end of this tutorial, you will know how to build a simple plugin which will allow readers to send a report without reloading the page.
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The WordPress ecosystem, which relies on a huge community of developers, enables us to constantly incorporate new features into our websites with no major effort, or at least with much less effort than is required to develop the functionality from scratch. Moving from WordPress to Netlify has trade-offs. What if we could have a WordPress website in which its dynamic content could be exported as static files? Leonardo Losoviz explains how you can combine both worlds: switch to a static site generator without having to abandon WordPress.
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Content marketing is the practice of creating a piece of content. This piece of content is generally free, though it may be hidden behind a simple email/lead-capture form, and it usually is meant to be found through search or through free/low-budget distribution methods It is tough, but with the right WP plugins, you can turn your website into a content marketing machine, one that actually performs for your business. Here are some stellar plugins that will ensure your efforts aren’t falling short.
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The most important step anyone can take to make sure that a site is secure is to keep in mind that no single process or method is sufficient to ensure nothing bad happens. WordPress itself provides a sizable library of functions, some of which can be dangerous. Beyond that, there are lots of PHP functions that a WordPress (PHP) developer will use with some frequency that can be dangerous when used. Before deploying a new plugin in WordPress, it’s a good idea to keep a list of easy-to-misuse functions by your side. In this article, David Hayes will take a closer look at some functions which you can and should use as part of a broader security strategy.
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As an open-source community, we should all strive to localize our open-source contributions. Before you can transcribe your digital assets though, you have to internationalize your codebase. WordPress is currently fully localized for over 65 languages and offers partial translations for an additional 95 locales. If you haven’t internationalized your WordPress website yet, it’s probably time to do so.
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You really don’t want to spend hours manually testing every part of your WordPress plugin to ensure nothing is broken every time you deploy a new version — do you? In this tutorial Collins Agbonghama will teach you how to test efficiently with automated testing, and help you recognize the importance of writing tests and how to start writing one for your own WordPress plugin.
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How do you get insight into all of your content at a glance? WordPress’ admin area does not show you much about your pages, posts, users and comments. In this article, David Mosterd and Jesper van Engelen will demonstrate some simple custom solutions and a ready-to-deploy plugin to overcome this problem. In this tutorial, they’ll tackle this problem by showing you some easy-to-implement custom code. For those of you who don’t want to code, they’ll show you how to configure the Admin Columns plugin to do the job for you.
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In this article, Leonardo Losoviz will share his experience with implementing service workers for PoP, an SPA website that runs on WordPresss. SPAs greatly enhance service workers, such as enabling you to choose from different appshells to load during runtime. Integrating with WordPress is not all that smooth, but it’s worth doing: the website will load faster and will work offline.
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WordPress is a very robust, easy to use and feature rich content management system (CMS). Everyone from stay at home bloggers to fortune 500 companies rely on it every day. Just like with most platforms, if it isn’t properly used or optimized it can turn into a big headache very quickly. In this article, Brian Jackson has compiled a list of bad web practices and recommendations on what not to do on your site, based on thousands of hours of customer interactions, support tickets, and troubleshooting he experiences on a daily basis. Picking the right web host is very important. But your decision also goes hand-in-hand with educating yourself on how to best optimize your WordPress site.
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The beauty of Jekyll is in its simplicity. While WordPress can match many of the features of Jekyll, it often comes at the cost of complexity through extra plugins or infrastructure. In this article, Mike Neumegen will take on the role of a web developer building a website for a fictional law firm. WordPress is an obvious choice for a website like this, but is it the only tool we should consider? Let’s look at a completely different way of building a website, using Jekyll.
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