We’re moving away from the functional and technical characteristics of the industrial era, into a time when consumers are making buying decisions based on how they feel about a company and its offer. In a borderless world where people are increasingly doing their research and purchases online,companies that don’t take their branding seriously face imminent demise. Enter emotional branding. It’s a highly effective way to cause reaction, sentiments and moods, ultimately forming experience, connection and loyalty with a company or product on an irrational level.
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A lot of mobile-minded talented folks often mention feeling isolated and not truly understanding what the client really needed. While involving clients in your mobile workflow can be challenging, really working together will make a big difference. In this article, Thomas Joos will share some important things he has learned about involving clients in his mobile workflow. Let’s dive into some tips and tricks that he uses every day.
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What is the ideal product page? Who are we building this mobile website for? Putting together a mobile e-commerce website is a multidisciplinary task that encompasses business management, design, development and marketing. In this article, Lawrence Howlett will walk through all of the vital steps when planning a highly converting mobile e-commerce website.
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Writing a book is a scary experience. And when it is published, you can be certain of only one thing: You will be criticized. Paul Boag’s book Digital Adaptation will soon be officially released, and he knows a lot of people are going to disagree with what he has written. They are going to argue that he focuses too much on digital and its characteristics and its impact on business, when ultimately digital is just a tool. But… is it just a tool?
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What practical steps can you take to make your brand more approachable for mobile users? While general statistics are useful for demonstrating the value of designing with mobile in mind, they don’t provide the guidance necessary to understand precisely how users will interact with a particular brand on their phone. Google Analytics offers a number of free features for incredibly detailed analysis of mobile activity, with the ability to easily compare to desktop activity.
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There are plenty of beginner tutorials, round-up posts, and code snippets, but few good places to go for more advanced, in-depth content about WordPress. In this section, we’re aiming for quality articles on intermediate-level topics, with an emphasis on developing smarter and faster sites, with the world’s most popular publishing platform. If you’re new to WordPress, we’ve got a series of tutorials lined up that will get you up to speed on techniques we’ll be exploring in future articles.
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There are so many options for running an online course, and all of them seem slightly confusing or time-intensive to set up! Using the method outlined below, Paul Jarvis created a self-paced email course that had over 1,000 registrations in the first 24 hours, and almost 2,500 in the first week. There are other ways to do this using MailChimp, such as triggering the completion of a course with a URL, but this is how he did it.
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A “workaholic” is someone who is addicted to work. Soon, they neglect their family, friends, health, sometimes damaging them all irrevocably. Some people who work on the Web seem not only to disregard the dangers of workaholism, but to actively promote it. They see it as a badge of honor—but it’s a serious issue that can damage Web teams. In contrast, people who simply “work hard” do not expose themselves to such dangers.
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92,000 new articles are posted online every day. Companies are spending billions on content marketing to enhance credibility and build brand awareness. Google has always tried to reward great content with high rankings, but today, thanks to improvements in its algorithm, Google is better able to actually do it.
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When a group wants to generate ideas, you assemble, spell out the basic ground rules for brainstorming and then have people yell out ideas one at a time. It’s a method chosen for ideation, but it is fraught with problems. Brainwriting is an easy alternative or a complement to face-to-face brainstorming, and it often yields more ideas in less time than traditional group brainstorming. In this article Chauncey Wilson will talk about this method!
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