Error messages need to be easy to spot, but they also need to be helpful. Let’s explore when error messages should live above input fields and why toast error messages are usually not a very good idea.
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With the “Back” button, users often get confused and frustrated. How to design a better back button UX and where to put those “Back” buttons in our interfaces.
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How to improve authentication UX, with magic links, 2FA, better password recovery and relaxed rules for secure, accessible and usable passwords.
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Pricing pages can be complex and confusing. Let’s explore some design patterns, guidelines, real-life examples and best practices on how to design a better pricing page.
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How difficult can it be to design a bulletproof language selector? It’s not as straightforward as one might think. We need to avoid redirects, decouple our language and country presets, allow for overrides, and use non-modal windows. Let’s dive in!
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In UX, we can use navigation queries, evaluation journeys, A-Z index and tap-ahead autocomplete to help users get where they want to be, faster. Let’s find out how.
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Carousels don’t have a good reputation, and rightfully so. But we can make them more useful. Best practices and guidelines to improve the carousel design with honest scrolling direction, labels, thumbnails and grouped prev/next-buttons.
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You need to help customers explore relevant entries, and to do so, you need to support and speed up browsing through entries. Infinite scroll can be designed well. Best practices and guidelines to improve the UX of infinite scroll with bookmarks, footer reveal and pagination.
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Good interface design shows the right things at the right moment. We need to understand when to display a call to action, and how to build a relationship with the user before promting them to act.
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While QR codes have many uses and can be leveraged at many touch points, they are just one of dozens of technologies that can improve the customer’s journey. Stanislav Khrustalev shares his advice with a list of things to keep in mind when using QR codes for your business.
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