Simon Thomas looks at the development of the Berlin street art scene, from its beginnings as a minor West Berlin movement in the late ’70s to its current status. How does street art shapes the public space?
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Marshall McLuhan’s phrase sums up that the medium through which we choose to communicate holds as much, if not more, value than the message itself. Jason Gross shares why understanding the meaning behind this theory revolutionized the way he approaches Web design.
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Dan McKenzie helps designers become familiar with what they need to know to get started with Android and to deliver the right assets to the development team. From demystifying Android screen densities, to what Android 3 is about.
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Well crafted content its as important as design and programming. In this article, Brad Shorr shares his twelve years of experience in producing Web content to avoid content errors in a Web development project.
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A number of techniques and elements can be used in Web forms to turn them from abject failures into successful conversion points. Shawn Borsky brings us some interesting examples and useful guidelines for Web form design.
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Luke Reimer tries to show how developing a process for Web design can organize a developer’s thoughts, speed up a project’s timeline and prepare a freelance business for growth.
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A handy overview to make the search of these ever-growing techniques for Web designers and developers easier. Improve your workflow with some of these resources and time-savers.
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In this article, David Bushell gives you a strong understanding of how copyright and licenses work, why they exist and what they achieve. By understanding it, you can take advantage of the wealth of creative content across the Web.
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This artcile looks for influences and ideas that have evolved into what has been known since the mid-20th century as “Scandinavian design”. Katrín Eyþórsdóttir also offers some thoughts on how to incorporate its principles in your work today.
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Ben Seigel shares this guide in order to help clients, other designers, businesses and organizations plan and realize successful websites. A road overview of the process of developing a website: from the initial needs assessment through the launch, maintenance and follow-up.
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