Because navigation can vary so much between websites, there are no set guidelines. In this article, we go through some methods and best practices.
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If there’s one boiled-down, oversimplified thing you need to grasp about content strategy, it is this: know your audience. In this article, Allie Gray shares her advice for newcomers.
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Nothing ruins a great website UI like people using it. At least, it often feels that way. You put in days or weeks building the interface, only to find that a vast majority of visitors abandon it partway through the process that it supports.
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Memorability, virality, desirability and data collection are the four items your “coming soon” page must score high. Read this article by Sacha G, to learn how to make a good teaser page.
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Long-term relationships with products are not easy to maintain. In this article, Thomas Giannattasio goes through some fundamental design requirements that brands should take into account in order to survive in the marketplace.
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Daniel Waisberg focuses on error and maintenance pages, both from tracking as well as usability perspectives. Also, go through a good number of examples on how to use analytics and defensive design in order to optimize user experience for such pages.
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In this article, we present a couple of new ideas to design sign-up and log-in forms that might be useful for your next designs. Find some innovative techniques that could make your forms simpler and more efficient to fill out.
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Sam Quayle explores how the best in the Web industry are already adapting to personalization, instant data, and real-time communication. We are living a a new chapter in the evolution of the Web and “real-time data” and a more “personalized Web” mark two milestones.
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David Cole explains the necessity of taking time to think about the way elements are positioned in relation to one each other, to get easier-to-use interfaces.
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A look at some interesting and original ways to present navigation menus content. Approach these techniques, making sure they fit the context of your design, always prioritizing a good navigation and a richer user experience.
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