Many talented professionals hold back from speaking at tech events, believing they need years of experience or expert status first. Drawing from her experience as a first-time speaker at WordPress Accessibility Day 2024, Victoria Nduka discusses how speaking at events benefits both individuals and the tech community.
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How was the first SmashingConf in Antwerp, you ask? One of our online attendees, Krisztina Szerovay, shares her sketchnotes and takeaways of the talks that were held on both days of the conference — with photos and recordings saved as best for last. See you live in Antwerp this year, maybe?Read more…
In this article, Andy Budd, curator of UX London and Leading Design conferences, outlines some of the things that make a potentially amazing presentation, as well as a few big gotchas. If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to get a speaking slot at a conference, this article is for you.
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One way of getting a more behind-the-scenes experience of any Smashing event is to apply as a volunteer, and Ren did just that! The SmashingConf team organized a conference in good ol’ San Francisco this year, and here’s pretty much how it went down.
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Brand new conference on design & UX, for designers and UI engineers who love the web. On design systems, usability, product design and complex UIs. That’s SmashingConf Antwerp, taking place in magical Bourla on October 9–11, 2023.
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Get better at your craft and support the people in Ukraine — that’s the idea behind our Figma Auto Layout Masterclass with Christine Vallaure. We are donating all proceeds from the online workshop to humanitarian aid in Ukraine. Monday, March 27, 09:00AM – 12:00PM PT / 18:00 – 21:00 CET. Donate and join!Read more…
The annual survey for anyone who writes CSS, State of CSS, is nearing the end of its response period for 2022. The survey is available in many different languages and all questions are optional.
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SmashingConf NYC is back! A friendly, inclusive conference for designers and front-end engineers who can’t wait to learn and be inspired. October 10–13, 2022. Get your ticket!Read more…
Now that some time has passed since the team returned from SmashingConf San Francisco, we’ve had time to think about the event and wrap up some of the things we all learned.
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We love seeing what we all can do to make the web more accessible and usable. We also love organizing and attending online events, with our SmashingConf Live last year, and of course, our online workshops are here to stay! After two years when almost everything moved online, 2022 marks the return of in-person conferences. In fact, SmashingConf is back: coming to San Francisco and Austin in June, Freiburg (Germany) in September, and New York in October.
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