This in-depth guide takes you through the three crucial phases of conversational search, revealing how users express their needs, explore results, and refine their queries. Learn how AI agents can overcome communication barriers, personalize the search experience, and adapt to evolving user intent.
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Whether you want to take your user research skills to the next level, get better at UX writing, or stay up-to-date on the latest design trends, a newsletter is the perfect opportunity to get the best of the best resources delivered straight to your inbox on a regular basis. In this post, we highlight some design newsletters that you might want to consider subscribing to.
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In this comprehensive guide, Temani Afif explores different techniques for creating common shapes with the smallest and most flexible code possible.
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With one billion people aged 60 or older worldwide, inclusivity is more important than ever. Learn how to create digital experiences that empower independence and competence for older adults while enhancing usability for all. An upcoming part of Smart Interface Design Patterns.
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Finding the right typeface is tricky as a whole. Dividing the process into steps and having the right information at hand will make this journey a design adventure full of surprises. To avoid sinking into unnecessary details, use this guide as a map for your path. Review various font paraments and learn how to apply them to your designs.
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Fintech products are systems that are overloaded by many types of data like numerals, texts, spreadsheets, and so on. Working with these products requires the designer to pay a high level of attention and responsibility, as he becomes a provider between user and data. Daria shares her approach to digital product typography and reviews the key points to consider when choosing typefaces.
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Branches are a really nice (and safe) way to configure or reconfigure your database without fear of screwing up the production database. Let’s take a closer look at how branching works with Neon, and the good news is, you probably already know how it works!
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CSS is evolving faster than ever. With all of the new features that are now available — and forthcoming — since we got Flexbox and Grid years ago, the way we write CSS is evolving, too. In this article, Geoff Graham shares which features have had the most influence on his current approaches to CSS, as well as those that have not (at least yet).
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In this article, Andy Budd, curator of UX London and Leading Design conferences, outlines some of the things that make a potentially amazing presentation, as well as a few big gotchas. If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to get a speaking slot at a conference, this article is for you.
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Part 2 of the series concentrates on implementing internationalization (i18n) on a Gatsby website, an essential feature on any multilingual website that can be quite a bit of trouble if incorrectly implemented, creating more problems than it solves.
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