Getting a good performance score from Google is hard for any website — but doing so for an online store is even harder. We achieved green scores — even several for mobile. Every front-end developer is chasing the same holy grail of performance: green scores in Google Page Speed. In this article, Jennifer Brehm is going to highlight some of the work she did and how her team was able to achieve their speed.
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As Flutter keeps evolving, there are more and more things we can do with it, but it’s still not reasonable to say that Flutter can be used for any app development project of any kind. Flutter has been transitioning from a cross-platform mobile development SDK for Android/iOS into a tool that allows you to run the same code natively in a browser on Windows, Linux and macOS. With Flutter 2, non-mobile Flutter development is starting to become more viable.
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To inspire mobile designers, let’s look at how some clever design solutions tackle mobile navigation, confirmation dialogs, animations, and gamifying the waiting experience. While these solutions are mostly unconventional, the point isn’t to highlight them for their own sake. Design solutions have to be built with the pillars of accessibility and usability, but they can be refined according to your ultimate goals for user interaction and experience. So, let’s bring these elegant off-the-beaten-path design solutions into the spotlight.
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With mobile traffic accounting for over 50% of web traffic these days, leaving your mobile performance unoptimized isn’t really an option. In this article, we’ll discuss the complexity and challenges of mobile, and how mobile testing tools can help us with just that.
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Tooltips are powerful design patterns implemented to enhance the design experience by providing additional information precisely when users need it. The key to designing tooltips that fit seamlessly into the overall design is to plan for them early in the design process. Specifically, designing useful tooltips requires proper timing and proper implementation. In this article, Eric Olive will show you how to design tooltips that will amplify your mobile designs and explain where mobile tooltips are most effective.
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GetX is an extra lightweight solution for state, navigation, and dependencies management for Flutter applications. Flutter is one of the fastest ways to build truly cross-platform native applications. It provides features allowing the developer to build a truly beautiful UI experience for their users, and in this article, Kelvin Omereshone will be looking at GetX’s benefits, features, and how to start using it in Flutter applications.
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Icons have long held an important place in the design of mobile apps. But beyond using them to create larger and more attractive touch targets, there are other ways mobile app designers can use these tiny elements to make an app more engaging. This post will explore four ways to do this. Today, Suzanna Scacca will look at a number of ways you can creatively add icons or icon-like elements to your apps and bring more life to them in the process.
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The Scrabble GO, Instacart and YouTube mobile apps have recently undergone disruptive redesigns. Were they worth it in the end? Judging by their users’ reactions, the answer to that is “No”. But that doesn’t mean that redesigns or design tweaks are a bad idea after launch. In this article, Suzanne Scacca will take a look at the mistakes made and the lessons we can extract from them.
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When using cross-platform frameworks, people might forget the nuances of each of the platforms they want their code to run on. This article aims to address that. Today, Carmine Zaccagnino is going to see some of those differences and how to overcome them. More specifically, he’re going to talk about storage and UI differences, which are the ones that most often cause confusion to developers when writing Flutter code that they want to be cross-platform.
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Since more and more web traffic comes from mobile users, our websites need to be in the best position to serve them. The easiest thing to do would be to remove unnecessary content from the site. However, it may not always be the best solution. In this article, Suzanne Scacca proposes some ways to turn essential content into graphics to conserve space, create a more engaging UI and preserve the overall integrity of your content on mobile.
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