HTML <video> is the de facto element we turn to for embedding video content, but it comes with constraints. For example, it downloads the video file linearly over HTTP, which leads to performance hiccups, especially for large videos consumed on slower connections. But with adaptive bitrate streaming, we can split the video into multiple segments at different bitrates and resolutions.
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React Server Components (RSCs) combine the best of client-side rendering, and author Lazar Nikolov thoroughly examines how we got here with a deep look at the impact that RSCs have on the page load timeline.
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“Gatsby headaches” are over. Juan Diego Rodríguez reflects on his decision to stop using Gatsby as his go-to framework. Through a detailed examination of its strengths and weaknesses, he provides valuable insights and alternative options for developers navigating their tooling choices.
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JavaScript may be the most popular client-side language in the world, but it’s far from perfect and not without its quirks. Juan Diego Rodriguez examines several “absurd” JavaScript eccentricities and explains how they made it into the language as well as how to avoid them in your own code.
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A well-designed composable system should not only consider the technical aspects but also take into account the nature of the content it handles. To help us with that, we can use a Headless Content Management system such as Storyblok.
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In the final part of this two-part series on solving headaches when working with media files in Gatsby projects, Juan Rodriguez demonstrates strategies and techniques for handling various types of documents, including Markdown files, PDFs, and 3D models.
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Discover how to incorporate a variety of media formats, such as images, videos, GIFs, SVGs, and so on, in a Gatsby website. Juan Rodriguez shares what he’s learned about optimizing files for improved performance after working with different plugins and techniques.
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Codux is a new visual IDE brought to you by the fine folks over at Wix. It’s got a lot of low-code features that level the playing field for app development but is really designed for React developers. How so, you ask? That’s what we’re going to explore in this article.
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The Redux Toolkit documentation calls the library a better way to write Redux logic for React apps and a simple and efficient toolkit for Redux development. In this article, you will learn about the Redux toolkit by building an app that tracks project issues.
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Want to make sure your API keys are safe and sound when working with React? Jessica Joseph’s got you covered! She will show you the best ways to hide your API keys, from using environment variables to building your own back-end proxy server.
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