Discover effective pricing strategies for digital projects. Learn how to balance fixed pricing, time and materials, and value-based approaches while managing client expectations and scope creep.
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Ever felt pressure to speed up your design process? Here’s how to address unrealistic expectations and foster a shared understanding with stakeholders, ensuring everyone is aligned on the path to a successful delivery. Part of Smart Interface Design Patterns by yours truly.
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For teams working remotely across the globe or together in an office, as well as for any group of collaborating users, a scheduler can be a valuable tool indeed. In this post, you’ll find some of the best commercial web scheduler libraries (JavaScript based) with amazing UX and high efficiency that are currently available.
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Many UX professionals often find themselves working alone, and usually face more projects impacting user experience than they can handle. In this article, Paul Boag explains how UX teams can be transformed into a significant driver of customer-centric innovation within organizations.
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In today’s turbulent landscape of design, Penpot stands out with its commitment to open-source, free unlimited access, and its unique, robust features. An example could be its new components system that takes another leap forward in aligning design with code. Let’s dive into how it empowers both designers and developers to create more maintainable and scalable design systems.
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Interface copy plays a crucial role in the overall user experience, helping guide users smoothly, allowing them to navigate easily through the app, discover and start using product features, and more. In this article, you’ll find simple, practical tips and a checklist to help you create a clear and concise microcopy, ensuring a seamless user experience.
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The web is still a young platform, and we’re only now beginning to recognize what “success” looks like for large projects. In his recent Smashing book, Success at Scale, Addy Osmani presents practical case studies featuring the web’s most renowned companies and their efforts to make big changes to existing apps and sites. In this article, Addy shows some of the key insights he has learned.
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Is there such a thing as harmony between designers and developers in the workplace, and if so, how can it be achieved? In this article, Chris Day explores the challenges of effective collaboration, outlines the key factors at play, and (hopefully!) empowers you to find the right solutions to help you and your team deliver to their full potential.
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Penpot helps designers and developers work better together by offering a free, open-source design tool based on open web standards. Today, let’s explore Penpot’s latest feature, CSS Grid Layout. Penpot’s latest release is about efficiency and so much more. It gives designers superpowers and a better place at the table. Excited? Let’s take a look at it together.
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There’s no shortage of articles about the mental health of developers, ranging from personal accounts of harrowing work experiences to round-ups of advice on how to preserve healthy work habits. But what working situations trigger things like stress, anxiety, burnout, and depression? Victor Ayomipo shares his personal triggers and how he manages them.
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