Smart Interface Design Patterns Checklists (Digital)
Every UI component, no matter if it’s an accordion, a hamburger navigation, a data table, or a carousel, brings along its unique challenges. Inventing a new solution to every problem takes time, and very often it’s really not necessary. We can rely on smart design patterns and ask the right questions ahead of time to avoid issues down the line.
Meet Interface Design Patterns Checklists, a deck of 166 cards with common questions to ask when tackling a common interface challenge — carousel, table, date picker, autocomplete, filtering, search, configurator, slider, timeline, map, web forms, testimonials, onboarding, pricing plan, authentication and many others. Created to help us all keep track of the things we need to consider to design better interfaces, faster. Check the preview (PDF, 825KB).
About The Cards
Beautifully designed by our dear illustrator Ricardo Gimenes and jam-packed with everything you need to keep in mind when designing UI components, this set of digital checklist cards is always by your side. They won’t let you down.
🎉 Team Bundle
Do you want to equip your entire team with the card deck? If you plan to purchase 5 or more decks, you’ll get a friendly 15% discount. Just get in touch with us via, and we’ll make it happen.
Table of Contents
- Designing For Touch Checklist
- Accordion Checklist
- Navigation Checklist
- Hamburger Menu Checklist
- Filtering Checklist
- Sorting Checklist
- Search Autocomplete Checklist
- Carousels Checklist
- Tables Checklist
- Pricing Plans Checklist
- Sliders Checklist
- Date Pickers Checklist
- Configurators Checklist
- Feature Comparison Checklist
- Timelines Checklist
- Schedule And Calendars Checklist
- Maps Checklist
- Seating Plans Checklist
- Privacy Checklist
- Onboarding Checklist
- Reviews & Testimonials Checklist
- Web Forms Checklist
- Donation Form Checklist
- Authentication Checklist
- Product Page Checklist
- Video Player Checklist
- Disabled Buttons Checklist
- Inline Validation Checklist
- Back Button UX Checklist
- Modals Checklist
- Mega-Dropdowns Checklist
Technical Details
- Formats: PDF (DRM-free)
- Pages: 166
- Language: English
- Released: August 2020
- Publisher: Smashing Media AG
- ISBN (PDF): 978-3-945749-86-9

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