Marketing Secrets For Web Designers
Marketing is an essential part of web design and knowing its 101 helps you see your design decisions in a broader context.
About The Book
Marketing is an essential part of Web design and knowing its 101 helps designers see their design decisions in a broader context. As jumping in at the deep edge and simply starting off marketing can be quite delicate, Marketing Secrets For Web Designers is a companion tailored to the specific needs of Web professionals. Weighing the benefits and perils of common marketing practices, it takes designers by the hand as they develop an understanding of what friendly and appealing marketing is all about.
Along the way, the Smashing Magazine authors cover topics such as shaping an innovative brand identity, implementing social media wisely and creating meaningful email marketing campaigns. Furthermore, the eBook features valuable tips for product launches and e-commerce. Of course, analytics and metrics also get their well-deserved attention. As you will discover, marketing is a lot more than plain conversion rates, numbers of sales and generating followers; it is part of the user experience.
Table of Contents
- Stop Shouting. Start Teaching —
- If You Love Your Brand, Set It Free —
- What Successful Products Teach Us About Web Design —
- Social Media Is A Part Of The User Experience —
- How To Use Email To Alienate Your Users —
- How Metrics Can Make You A Better Designer —
- Keep Your Analytics Data Safe And Clean —
- It Works For “You”: A User-Centric Guideline To Product Pages —
- How To Launch Anything —
Technical Details
- Formats: ePUB, Kindle, PDF (DRM-free)
- Pages: 90
- Language: English
- Released: September 2013
- Publisher: Smashing Media AG
- ISBN (PDF): 978-3-94454042-9

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