Django is a framework for developing dynamic websites. While a static website is one that solely presents information, there is no interaction that gets registered to a server. In a static website, the server sends HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to a client and that’s it. More capabilities require a dynamic website, where the server stores information and responds to user interaction beyond just serving pages. One major reason to develop a dynamic site is to authenticate users and restrict content. One major reason to develop a dynamic site is to authenticate users and restrict content. Django provides a powerful out-of-the-box user model, and in this article, Philip Kiely will walk you through the best way to provide secure, intuitive user authentication flows.
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As opposed to JavaScript and Python, variables and functions in CSCS are case-insensitive. The primary goal of CSCS is to let the developer write as little code as possible. In this article, Vassili Kaplan explains how you can use a scripting language to develop cross-platform mobile applications. You’ll find examples in both iOS and Android that include placing widgets on the screen, SQLite, Web Requests and JSON parsing.
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In this article, Yusuff Faruq will show you how to use React’s Context API which allows you to manage global application states in your React apps without resorting to props drilling. In the process you will learn what the Context API is and the problem it solves, how to create Context and consuming it in both functional and class-based components, and when to use the Context API. Let’s start!
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A walkthrough of creating an Angular 8 web application and a QR Code generator app completely based on Angular while hosted on Netlify. In this article, Shubham will take you into a walkthrough of creating an Angular 8 web application using the official Angular Material Design library. We will be creating a QR Code generator web application completely based on Angular while hosted on Netlify.
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Have you ever looked at the design techniques and elements you use to build mobile apps and evaluated whether or not they’re still useful or relevant? If you haven’t done this in a while (or ever), stop what you’re doing and read this. Today, Suzanne Scacca is going to look at the 5 things mobile app designers should stop doing so they can create more streamlined and positive user experiences.
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At the heart of the JAMstack are static site generators that store your data as flat files. Sometimes, managing data this way can be overly complicated. Sometimes, we still need a database. With that in mind, Netlify — a serverless cloud database — collaborated to make combining both systems easier. In this article, Bryan Robinson will create a personal bookmarking site using FaunaDB, Netlify Functions and 11ty data files.
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Flutter provides great animation support for cross-platform apps. This article explores the new unconventional and an easier way to add animations to apps.
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You’ve probably heard of WebAssembly and why it’s a powerful tool in the browser. In this article, Robert Aboukhalil will explore why serverless WebAssembly might be equally powerful outside the browser, and how to get started using it. Certain types of applications — such as data analysis and image processing, to name a few — can greatly benefit from such an approach. Though the runtime suffers because of the additional round-trips to the network, this approach does allow us to process more data at a time and not put a drain on users’ resources.
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React developers can get the advantages of Ionic to build hybrid mobile apps and progressive web apps. In this tutorial, Ahmed Bouchefra will use both Ionic and React to build a simple mobile application that fetches and displays news data from a third-party API using the Axios client. You will also see how to use hooks in React — namely, the useState() and useEffect() hooks — to create state and perform side effects inside React function components. With Ionic, we’ll see how easy it is to generate a project based on React and how you can theme the application using the color attributes of components.
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Customers’ loyalty does not come for free. While it would be nice if they were satisfied with a high-quality product with some extra bells-and-whistles thrown in, sometimes what’s needed to seal the deal is a rewards system. But when a client asks you to design the mechanism for their loyalty program, how do you decide which format it should take? In this article, Suzanne Scacca shows you what you need to know about designing mobile loyalty programs.
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